Writers' Federation of New Brunswick
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
Categories are listed below. Please read the following instructions for formatting your entry before submitting.
Please do not put your name on your submission. Your name should only appear on your cover letter, as the cover letter is for office use only. This ensures blind judging.
Complete and eligible submissions to prize categories must include the following. (Please keep a copy of the complete online submission for your records.)
The unpublished manuscript containing no personal information, must be formatted as follows:
- Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format;
- 12 pt. font, double-spaced, (except poetry), Times New Roman or Arial, 8.5x11, with at least a one inch margin on all sides (if you are submitting poetry that relies on certain formatting, we suggest submitting as a pdf to ensure nothing shifts);
- Each page must be numbered in sequence and each page must include the title of the story in the header or footer;
- The file should include your the title of your piece and the category you are submitting in (ex: MyStory_CNF.doc.) Please do not submit files that are labelled ‘my manuscript’ or other generic titles.
A cover letter (for office use) that:
- Provides your name, permanent address (not summer home or cottage), phone number, and e-mail;
- Provides a one-paragraph biographical note, including mention of any previous writing credits, if applicable;
- Copy and paste your cover letter in the text box marked 'Cover Letter'.
Payment by cheque is payable to the Writers' Federation of New Brunswick. Please mail to: WFNB, 52 Amity Street, Moncton, NB, E1G 0S3.